Between October and November 2023, a selected group of ATC Italia customers went to China, to Ningbo, to visit the production site of our Head Quarter. This trip was organized to allow customers to discover the AirTAC world, thus getting closer to the reality of a company that sells 300 million pneumatic components per year and with a 2022 turnover of 850 million Euros, with a coverage of 26 % of the Chinese market.
During the visit, customers had the opportunity to discover the new products that will be launched on the market in the coming months. They also had the opportunity to meet and communicate with the engineers who study and work in the Research and Development department, thus delving into the dynamics linked to the development of new products and the production of AirTAC brand pneumatic components.
They have seen first-hand the new production of linear guides, where 360 million euros have been invested in recent years, with the aim of covering 25% of the turnover in 2025 and 30% in 2028.
AirTAC's main objective is to build stable and solid relationships with its customers, transforming them into real partners always involved in the growth of the company and the group. This trip to China was just one example of the company policy aimed at creating a truly international group.
“The trip to China was exciting!”: this is the main comment received from the participants after the visit to the production site in Ningbo. And we are truly convinced that this was an important experience because it allowed them to come into contact with our world and for this reason we will organize other trips in the future.